Total visitors 1 1

Otono Beso

Total visitors 1 1

Питомник Otono Beso семейный питомник, имеющий небольшое количество собак, включая пожилых. Разведением лабрадоров ретриверов мы занимаемся увлеченно и с большой любовью. Наши основные окрасы – желтый и черный. Otono Beso Kennel is a family kennel with a small number of dogs, including senior dogs. We breed Labrador Retrievers passionately and with great love. Our main colours are yellow and black.

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Kennel in fci from 2002. i love chocolate labrador retrievers very much. i try, that dogs bread by us would become the best at exhibitions of any level, the best friends for families, the best in ...

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Cornish rex club (crc) - a virtual club breeders cornish rex. it was founded by fans of the breed. cornish rex club (crc) - ...

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Разведение собак породы чау-чау. Продажа щенков, кобели на вязку.

Welcome on the website of "from lavrentieva elena" shih-tzu breeder. Добро пожаловать на сайт заводчика ши тцу Лаврентьевой Елены.