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Open-source software and hardware projects

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gKript was born in 2001. It was written entirely and exclusively in html on Gedit. SkyMatrix made gKript reality with the first version of the site and AsYntote has realized a new one. gKript has done a great job of research: symmetric encryption (CnC), statistical analysis on the footprints of the files (gKStat), static libraries to make much easier and faster the development of new software (GIM). The site itself has been radically modified. The latest version 0.10-4 was completely written in PHP and JQuary. We decided with enthusiasm to put each resource on the development of PicGIM, a layer for Microchip © PIC18F ® Microcontroller. Soon on site also HardWare projects such as the development board dedicated to PicGIM. The open source is a lifestyle. A choice of very personal character and gKript made his own. All the software or the hardware generated by us is completely opensource.

data processing programming




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