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health public health


Reiki-light ofthe world

Reiki-light ofthe world

Information, and inspiring paths intothe light of reiki from treatments to workshops. experiences and self discovery through healing.

Healthier life with herbal

Healthier life with herbal

This blog is a special place for discussing how people get healthier life by drinking or consuming herbal which are made of plants / source from nature. and also by implementing yoga, breathing ...



A site for global health, infectious diseases, and other public health issues.



tianshi relies on top biotechnology to combine the traditional chinese health regimes and modern medical essence. our international standards include advanced production equipment and technique, ...

Breastfeeding tips and benefits

Breastfeeding tips and benefits

Learn how to breastfeed and all the advantages it will give to your baby and yourself

Garam aura romantika banyak khasiatnya

"romantika" - garam mandian yang diadun dengan mawar merah jambu menghasilkan kesan aura romantis, kasih sayang serta wangian cinta merah jambu ini membangkit ghairah jiwa si pemakai