Total visitors 1 1

Total visitors 1 1

news alternative media



Ctmap blog for people

The road to khalistan

The road to khalistan

We are three khalsa women who write about sikh issues from our vatage point. two of us survived the antisikh riots of 1984. all of us had close relatives (sons, husbands, etc.) killed there. ...

Myo myint aung

Myo myint aung

We want democracy

Tipitaka network

Information on buddhism.

Ss cafe

Ss cafe

Mp3 download muzika chat forum video

Bangsa malaysia

Bangsa malaysia

For a better malaysia

Unleased the power within

Unleased the power within

Unleashed the power within the power to be outstanding the power to shape our destiny


General blog about everything


Periyar dravidar kazhagam. tirupur. tamil nadu.

The mobilization forces of international mass ...

The mobilization forces of international mass ...

Fighting for peace and fighting for freedom