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The Right To Sleep

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The poor and homeless suffer Human Rights Violations by Governments and Police through sleep deprivation recognized as Torture and an Act of War. The age of greedy, stupidity has allowed Property Rights to take precidence over Human Rights. Corruption flourishes in the Justice Sustem that willingly violates Natural Law.

sciences social sciences



Psikologi *

All about social sciences, tips until people behaviorism

Life is like that

Life is like that

Practical comments on interesting questions in the buddhist perspective.


Contiene una fotografía y un currículum vitae académico de josé luis gonzález escribano, catedrático de lingüística inglesa de la universidad de oviedo, con sus publicaciones más ...

Top popular science

Top popular science

A science is any discipline in which the fool of this generation can go beyond the point reached by the genius of the last generation

Els journal interdisciplinary studies on ...

Els journal on interdisciplinary studies in humanities: linguistics, literature, language teaching, translation, and culture is a scholarly peer-reviewed international scientific journal ...

Jurnal ilmu budaya

Jurnal ilmu budaya (jib) adalah jurnal ilmiah yang diterbitkan oleh departemen sastra prancis fakultas ilmu budaya universitas hasanuddin. jib terbit secara berkala dua kali dalam setahun, ...