Total visitors 1 1


Total visitors 1 1

Organisasi kemahasiswaan di jurusan Teknik Kimia STMI Depperin RI yang didirikan pada tanggal 11 November 2008, berasaskan Pancasila, berdasarkan UUD 1945 dan diselenggarakan berdasarkan prinsip dari, untuk dan oleh Mahasiswa Teknik Kimia STMI yang bersifat mandiri, ilmiah, tunggal serta bernafaskan almamater.

sciences teaching and formation


English corner

English corner *

English for all people. anyone can join and get english lessons for free.

Arts of physics

Arts of physics

Physics is a branch of science concerning the study of natural phenomena, properties of matter and material. physicists study the behavior and properties of matter in a wide variety of contexts, ...

Class blog

Class blog

It contains out of class efl practice of my students.

Gufy media

Gufy media

Jenis-jenis text (genre): narrative, discussion, explanation, review, dll dan pertanyaannya, generic structure, informasi kkm 2 ts. gresik. telusuri di daftar isi.



An enlightened digital soul that lives on web 2.0, and that is on a constant quest to preach, share and learn the sect called marketing. stay tuned for marketing tips, tricks and trends and much ...