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Total visitors 1 1

arts literature


Hush and listen

Hush and listen

Manila gay life: essays, stories, poems. heaven and hell. love and lust

Valdete antoni web-site

Krijime te poetes valdete antoni...

Poezi nga nexhip bashllari

Poezi nga nexhip bashllari

Art, literature,

Elian alien

Elian alien

Krijmtari poetike personale si dhe aspekte te tjera te krijimtarise.

Colombian mestizos

Colombian mestizos

I'm who i'm, my haplogroup will tell that to the world

PoesÍa cotidiana. daily poetry.



This is a purely fictional novel, in which the protagonist narrating the story in first person dwelves in the emotional pulls that he undergoes and incidentally describes the fortes and foibles of ...

Luu quang thai

Luu quang thai

The site of the colection of the literature, the phylosophy, the fiction, non fiction...

Govinda's writings

Govinda's writings

My writing on education, literature, post modernism, and current affairs.

Humul muflihuun

Humul muflihuun

Precious life lessons from a book and author