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Total visitors 1 1

news weblogs


Berita hankam

Berita hankam **

Indonesia's military news and indonesia's industry military news

S1 - si - e '04 gaul padat dan berisi

S1 - si - e '04 gaul padat dan berisi

Si-6e adalah satu kelas yang berada di stmik amikom jogja, terdiri dari anak-anak cakep, cantix and gokil tapi kebanyakkan sich banyak yang katrox



Flipantasticweb means filipino fantastic website, it can also be called flipweb meaning filipino website. it is a personal expression of thoughts on issues affecting the filipino as well as other ...



Political ukraine laid bare. for those who care.

A nairobian perspective!

A nairobian perspective!

For the latest in depth analysis and opinion on current affairs, i.t, travel and entertainment in africa !

Amy brown

Amy brown

A selection of pictures of amy is regularly put on this blog so that her unlces, aunties and grand-parents can see her grow....

Black & white

Contemporary issues, comments and messages in black and white


Bible stories and more

Peaceful burma

Peaceful burma

To report and discuss suitable world news and the situation of burma in co-ordinate with other democratic burmese medias , especially to provide the japanese people with true burmese news in order ...



Mig33 adalah suatu applikasi sebagai jalur komunikasi di internet via hp and pc.